John Long John Long

Get To Know Triston

It all begins with an idea.

What is your favorite thing about living at McCall’s?

Triston: “That you always have a place to rely on. You don’t have to worry about not having a place to go. “

Is that something that you’re afraid of? Having no place to go?

Triston: “Yes, I’ve had no place to go before. Before I came to McCall’s, sometimes, I knew I people didn’t want me to stay with them. It’s okay though. At the time, I was just in a bad place, but McCall’s has really helped me turn that around.”

Do you have lots of friends here? Who is your best friend?

Triston: “Yes, I’m friends with most everyone here. My best friend is Brian. Some things we like to do when we’re hanging out is walk around campus. We like to talk, play video games, stuff like that. Just don’t do anything on purpose to make me mad.”

You really seem to enjoy working. What is it that you typically do for work?

Triston: “I work on the yard crew, and I really like it because I like to keep busy, and I enjoy being outside.”

You’re participating in the GED program, how is that going?

Triston: “It’s good, a little complicated sometimes. I struggle with math, but I’m enjoy it because it will help me out in the long run.”

What is your best quality? What sets you apart from other people?

Triston: “I’m a pretty funny guy, and I’m great at making jokes. I’m also protective. If I see someone messing with my friends, I step up and make sure they don’t keep doing that.”

What is your dream job?

Triston: “I want to do truck driving or welding. I want to see the world. I don’t want to be stuck doing the same thing and in the same place for the rest of my life. I want to go places and learn new things.”

Is there any place in particular you want to visit?

Triston: “I’d like to go to Washington; my uncle lives up there and said it’s beautiful up all year round. It’s not super hot in the summer, and sometimes it snows! I like the cold weather, I went outside today with shorts on.”

What are some things you would like our followers to know about you?  

Triston: “Well, I’ve been here for 5 years, started my life and I’m doing really good. I wasn’t in a good place before I came here. I was getting into trouble, and I was had a lot of anxiety about moving here. I didn’t think it was going to go very well. I But I’ve made friends, everyone is always really nice, and I feel like people care about me.”

 Do you feel supported here?

Triston: “Yes, definitely. Everyone here is so nice. They are good people. They care about us, and they take really good care of us. They aren’t just here for a paycheck. I’ll go out to work, and I’ll come home. My clothes will be washed and dried. They’ll put clean sheets on my bed, and have dinner ready.  Someone always has a hug ready. Those are normally my chores, and if I don’t get to them the night before, it’s easy to get behind when I’m working.  So they’ll do it for me, and I don’t even have to ask. I appreciate them very much for doing that because when I get home I’m so tired.

Winter is especially great. She cleans the whole time she’s here so that we can live in a nice, clean home. They don’t have to do that for us, but I really appreciate that they do. “

What is your favorite food?

Triston: “Mexican food, I cook it sometimes. I know how to make homemade tortillas and stuff. They let me cook whenever I want. I really enjoy cooking, too.”

What are your thoughts on the pandemic? How are has COVID affected you?

 Triston: “It sucks. I used to be allowed to go out with my family before, and now I can’t. It was all taken away from me really fast. My family misses me, and I miss them. I know it’s not their fault. It’s just because the pandemic, and I don’t want to get sick or get anybody sick. But it’s different. I’m just trying to make the best of it. We all are. When I’m stuck in the same place, I get super anxious.”

Where are some places you want to go when things start opening back up?

Triston:  “I want to go to Frescos, and I really want to go to like White Water Bay. I like going to stuff like that. I like swimming a lot, I can’t swim very well in deep water but I still enjoy it.”

What is your family like? What did you do before coming here?

Triston: “I have two brothers and one sister. I only see them around the holidays mostly.

I come from a really small town. I think the total population is 96. I got to ride horses. I learned how to break horses, and I worked on a farm out there. The pay was REALLY good. I knew how to feed, water, and saddle them. “

What is your plan for after you get your GED?

Triston: “I’m going to try to go to truck driving school or welding school.”

You’ve mentioned your uncle a couple of times. Are you guys pretty close?

Triston: “When he was home, we were but since he moved to Washington, I haven’t seen him as much. I like to see my little nieces when I can. They’re in taekwondo so they’re mean! *chuckles* They like to run up and kick you in the butt and run away. They’re both really smart. One of them is partially deaf and she knows sign language. I can speak a little bit but I’m not great at it yet. I’d like to be though!”

What would your advice be to people who are facing challenges? You seem like you’re a really motivated person, and you just have this awesome, positive energy. I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Triston: “I would say that it’s okay to struggle, but remember you’re going to get through if you stick it out. Find people who support you. I realize that we all have hard times, but you just have to work toward your goals even if it’s just to make it through that challenge. It’s about moving forward and understanding that success will come eventually. “

What are your favorite movies or tv shows?

Triston: “I actually don’t watch TV. “


Triston: “I don’t know. It’s just something about me. I ain’t ever done it. I don’t even watch the weather in the morning. I just go with the flow. If I’m at the house, I do my chores and study my GED book or hang out with my friends. I just get bored watching TV. I want to stay busy.”

What books do you like to read?

 Triston: “I really like books like where the Red Fern Grows, Old Yeller, a lot of the older stuff. But I don’t have anything like that right now.”

Do you think you would like books like The Hardy Boys? It’s about some guys that go around solving mysteries. It’s an older series like you prefer.

Triston: “I think I would! The thing I like most about those other books it the hunting part. I like hunting or going fishing.”

What is your favorite thing about working?

 Triston: “I like making money more than I like just messing around. I can do that stuff on the weekends or on my breaks.  So I like to focus on my work. You gotta do that for the rest of your life unless your born into a rich family, so you’ve got to learn to enjoy it. So that’s what I do. I sing out loud, think out loud to myself, talk with the other crew. You know, just make it enjoyable!”

Is there anything else you would like to share with our followers?

Triston: “Not really, I’m just glad I had the opportunity to do this!”

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